A call to Public Inquiry or Preliminary Hearing is never a nice thing, but it is vital that when you receive a call up letter, you act immediately to start the process of building your defence and ensuring you have solved the problems that the Traffic Commissioner will discuss. In order to give the Traffic Commissioner trust in the business, it is best that you make big changes quickly – this is where we can help.
Our team of Consultants are well qualified and familiar of the Public Inquiry process and will help you through it – from preparing all your evidence, identifying and rectifying any noncompliance, retraining management and responsible persons, to attending the Inquiry with you to support you in displaying the changes you have made. We can work alongside your legal team to fully support you.
Why might you be called to Public Inquiry / Preliminary Hearing?
A DVSA investigation which finds noncompliance, concerns and confusion over a new or variation application, Director or Driver convictions, or even a report to the Traffic Commissioner from a member of the public are all possible reasons that you may be called in.
How do we help Operators prepare?
As part of our Public Inquiry / Preliminary Hearing support, we will work with you and your team to fix the challenges in the business, including the areas of noncompliance that possibly have not yet been found, so that you know before you arrive at the hearing, you are in a good position for the future.
We do this through:
- Identifying key weaknesses, and the best solutions
- Supporting the implementation of our recommended improvements, including implementing new systems and processes
- Liaising with your legal team to ensure a harmoniousness of our consulting activities and your defence
- Providing training at all levels of your business – from Directors to Transport Managers to Drivers
- Holding meetings with your suppliers, including maintenance providers to engage them in the process
- Supporting with the development of new policies and procedures, from the process for employing new drivers, to vehicle maintenance procedures, yard health and safety and compliance management policy.
We may also be able to support you with other types of hearings. Have a look at our Expert Witness services.