An operator who sent his fleet of 11 LGV’s in for their schedules PMI on time and filed the paperwork when the vehicles returned from PMI and MOT was shocked when we checked his OCRS score to find out that he was in the red.
This Red OCRS score will greatly increase the chances of the operator being stopped by the enforcement authorities, which is exactly what happened.
A lack to team work and communication with his external maintenance provider had allowed standards to slip. MOT’s were only getting through on the second or third attempt. The operator was filing the paperwork but not checking it. If he had he would have seen that the number of PRS and first time presenatation fails were going up.
AS Miles consulting worked with both the Operator and Maintenance provider on a joint action plan to raise standards and understanding of how each other worked and what the objectives were.
We also ensured that the Traffic Commissioner was kept informed of the action plan and its progess.
Eighteen months later the client now has a OCRS score in the Green, the Operator Licence has had all the imposed conditions removed and they tell us that the actual maintenance cost have also reduced.