Welcome to the latest edition of our monthly newsletter. Please click here to download the February 2019 edition. GUIDE TO MAINTAINING ROADWORTHINESS A second update of the guide to maintaining...
Now for all those operators who pay for a PMI they may now be thinking ‘Well this doesn’t apply to me’. Well Think Again. It is only a week since we went to see a company who has...
Welcome to the latest edition of our monthly newsletter. Please click here to download the August 2018 edition. CLEAN AIR ZONES Do you operate from one of these cities (see image)? Do your vehicles...
Welcome to the latest edition of our monthly newsletter. Please click here to download the July 2018 edition. DO YOU OPERATE TRANSIT TYPE PANEL VANS, PICK UPS OR MINI BUSES? Does your company operate...
Welcome to the latest edition of our monthly newsletter. Please click here to download the June 2018 edition. OPERATOR LICENSING UNDERTAKINGS Continuing our ongoing look at the operator licensing...
We had a lovely surprise last Friday when we attended the Leicester College Awards to Industry event and found that we were a Finalist. Our MD Andy Miles has spent time over the last year working with...
We are really pleased to announce that following our annual audit AS Miles Consulting Limited has received recertification to ISO 9001:2015. Click here to view the certificate. A real big Thank You to...
Welcome to the latest edition of our new monthly newsletter. Please click here to download the May 2018 edition. This month we feature the launch of the DVSA earned recognition scheme. Gareth...
Welcome to the latest edition of our new monthly newsletter. Please click here to download the March/April 2018 edition. This month we feature Brake Tests. Please make sure you look at and understand...
The Traffic Commissioners have indicated that from 1st April 2018, paper application forms will no longer be available from Research has shown that operators are familiar with digital...
Last month we launched our new monthly newsletter. Please click here to download the February 2018 edition. This month we feature Driver Walkaround checks (DDI) This doesn’t just apply to how...
There is a Ticking Time Bomb in the used Truck Market and no one seems to want to do anything to inspire confidence back into the market. I am talking about Adblu traps, Diversions, emulators...